Welcome to the 4 th Annual 2013 allkpop awards presented by ToFebruary . We are inviting K-Pop fans from all over the world to vote for the best of the best in 2013. Last year the allkpop awards received more than 8.6 million votes and this year, the competition is just as fierce, if not more. Voting will begin now (December 2nd, 2013) and last until December 16th, 2013 11:59PM EST. SEE ALSO: [Giveaway] Meme Center launching - Signed albums and more! The 4th Annual allkpop awards is presented by ToFebruary . ToFebruary is an online mall reminding you to "Style your life the kpop way!" Check out the awesome products from ToFebruary today !. click > Go Vote for the best of the best in 2013! < click BY : ALLKPOP