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Misery Online Class + MCO

Day by day, I started feeling very bored in the lockdown cause spending all day at home. I admit that I am home person but staying at home without going out for a long time and interacting with friends face-to-face makes me miserable. For the first time ever, I feel lonely. Yes, before this I enjoyed being alone but I never feel lonely. It's changed since the COVID-19. For a few months, I am so happy cause I think it is best to stay home without having interact with others, but after that my mind started to create misery. Where I began to overthink every little things and "they" will interfere with my daily life. How I wish the MCO could be lifted as soon as possible so that I can go out, meet my friends and have a drink with them. Things are getting worse when my university wants to continue our semester with Open and Distance Learning (ODL). At first, I thought I could accept to study online but it turns out I couldn't. FML. Everything goes wrong. I can't ...