During this pandemic COVID-19, I have so many things to do and one of them is improving my general knowledge by reading some books. A few days ago I just found something interesting that I want to read on Kindle which is Relativity by Albert Einstein. The problem occur when I want to buy that book but it is only available on Amazon and I need to pay Amazon which was I never bought something on it because it is from international. And I need an account that can make transaction for overseas.
Luckily my brain functioning so well during this hot sunny day hahahaha, I remembered that I already activate my account bank to make any overseas transaction. And how I know about this ? Of course from people. You know.... the fastest way to gain knowledge is from people :P . Thanks to Kak Fatin, my supervisor during internship who recommend me to do this because I need to pay GoDaddy to pay my uhmmmmmm nrlsyhmina.com .
In this case, I use Bank Islam because I have no choice to use any bank because I only have that bahahaha. Steps how I activate my card :
- JUST CALL THE OPERATOR (0326900900) - This is Bank Islam operator. If you use Maybank or whatever, don't use this number T_T
- Choose any service that relate with Debit Overseas. I don't remember what number that you need to press after call the operator. What I mean is, if you call operator they will ask you to press any number "Tekan 1 untuk bla bla bla, Tekan 2 untuk bla bla bla".
- And after that, they will link you with any customer service operator and they will ask you "Why?"
- The answer you need to tell them "JUST TELL THEM YOU want to activate "Transaksi Luar Negara".
- They also will ask you, how many years you want your account bank can make overseas transaction. Just tell them uhmmm 1 year ?
- Lol that's all. And now you will be poor again because you will spend your money all the time. Congratulations mf.
Addition :
This is how I become miskin in my life because I love to spend money like there is no tomorrow (I hate myself T_T). I bought something on Amazon and to buy something on Amazon, just use your bank account (that you already activate with overseas transaction). Just follow the steps how to buy them. I want to show you but because of the excitement, aku tak sempat screenshot pon amende detail nya yang nak kena masukkan skskskskskks). Ok tu je Adios !
P/S : macam biasa.. to grammar nazi, I'm Sorry. Excuse my bahasa pasar and grammar because my intention is I just wanna share something that people can understand
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