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Zeno of Cyprus, it became the foundation of his life's work and legacy. The once wealthy merchant lost everything when he was shipwrecked in Athens around 300 BCE. With not much else to do, he wandered into a book shop, became intrigued by reading about Socrates, and proceeded to seek out and study with the city's noted philosophers. As Zeno began educating his own students, he originated the philosophy knows as Stoicism, whose teaching of virtue, tolerance and self-control have inspired generations of thinkers and leaders. The name Stoicism comes from the Stoa Poikile, the decorated public colonnade where Zeno and his disciples gathered for discussion. Today, we colloquially use the word stoic to mean someone who remains calm under pressure and avoid emotional extremes. But while this captures important aspects of Stoicism, the original philosophy was more than just an attitude. The Stoics believed that everything around us operates according to a web of cause and eff...

Is Social Interaction important to us ?

Some of country including Malaysia implement movement control order as a preventive towards the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). As Malaysia partial lockdown, we have been quarantine for 14 days because the government want to make sure that there is no people being infected by the virus. Okay back to the topic, I am concerned for some people especially for extrovert because not all of them can stay at home for a long time. The thing that I want to say is, please have some social interaction with someone in your surrounding. No matter what conversation we have even with simple "Hye" would be better rather than just looking at your family and say nothing. Why is social interaction is very important to us ? Because it is the most important factors of our physical and mental health. It helps us in coping with stress and major life changes. Knowing that we are valued by others is an important psychological factor in helping us to forget the negative aspects of our lives su...

Don't kill [ SEMUT ]

JGN BUNUH SEMUT! kalau nampak semut banyak2 dalam rumah seperti yg pernah dipesan oleh nabi kita junjungan rasullullah dulu kita ucaplah .. "Assalamualaikum rakyat Nabi Sulaiman a.s.. Ini rumahku.. Aku mahukan kebersihan.. Kamu adalah makhluk Allah s.w.t. yg sentiasa berzikir kepadaNya.. Jika kamu mahu membuat sarang untuk meneruskan hidup kamu, kamu hiduplah di luar rumahku yg berdekatan dengan rumahku agar kamu selamat".. Jika kita tak suka semut2 berada di dalam rumah, ki ta jangan sembur ridsect/sheildtox/bakar semut2 tu. Kita tegur mereka dengan bagi Salam ke atas Nabi Sulaiman a.s.. sebab semut2 ni adalah rakyat Nabi Sulaiman a.s..Semut2 ni juga serangga yg sentiasa berzikir kepada Allah s.w.t. sepanjang masa.. Kisah semut ni pun ada di dalam Al-Quran ^^ Cintai Rasulullah s.a w. dengan mengamalkan segala sunnahnya... *copy paste saja Manusia selalu berfikir, "Haih.. bila la Aku nak kawin.. duit tadak ni.." tapi jarang pula fikir, "Haih.. bila la A...

Vote for this year's top artists at the 4th Annual allkpop awards presented by To February !

Welcome to the  4 th Annual 2013 allkpop awards  presented by   ToFebruary . We are inviting K-Pop fans from all over the world to vote for the best of the best in 2013. Last year the allkpop awards received more than  8.6 million votes  and this year, the competition is just as fierce, if not more. Voting will begin now (December 2nd, 2013) and last until December 16th, 2013 11:59PM EST. SEE ALSO:  [Giveaway] Meme Center launching - Signed albums and more! The 4th Annual allkpop awards is presented by  ToFebruary . ToFebruary is an online mall reminding you to "Style your life the kpop way!" Check out the awesome products from  ToFebruary today !. click >  Go Vote for the best of the best in 2013!   < click BY : ALLKPOP

Komsas Tingkatan 3

Assalamualaikum ! Korang boleh download KOMSAS Tingkatan 3 ! PErcuma !! Hahax .. Penat2 aku buat :P PS : Jangan lupa sebelum download tukarkan PDF kepada DOCX .. ( penting nie ) Tekan SINI kalau nak download !!! Jangan lupa edit sikit2 .. sbb yang korang download tuh aku PUNYA !!

Music Streaming Online

Bonjour Fellas ! Nak dengar muzik kesukaan korang sambil ber-facebook , ber-twitter , or apa2 saja ??? Nak dengar lagu apa saja !!! Korang boleh pergi ke sini ^_^ S E M U A N Y A  F R E E !!! Grooveshark - Free Music Streaming, Online Music Jango: Free Music Online - Internet Radio Live365 Internet Radio Network - Listen to Free Music, Online Radio Pandora Internet Radio - Listen to Free Music You'll Love Free Internet Radio - SHOUTcast Radio - Listen to Free Online That's All Yo ~ ^^v Entry HOT !! > Meet My New Boyfriend ( Korea Boy ) <