For today episode, membazir itu amalan syahmina Just ordered awwww so cute kawaii stylus pen (beria nya ahaha) from timetobuystore on 9/5/2020 idk what caption for this pic Lama tunggu pen ni untuk sampai, ambil masa lebih daripada 10 hari :P Sampai je pen ni terus aku guna ahahaha just flexing my new pen tip close up So these are my arts skskskksksks me makan during hari puasa and make sure nobody sees me this is how i acting cute konon konon merajuk me during online class time mco; zero mind
Day by day, I started feeling very bored in the lockdown cause spending all day at home. I admit that I am home person but staying at home without going out for a long time and interacting with friends face-to-face makes me miserable. For the first time ever, I feel lonely. Yes, before this I enjoyed being alone but I never feel lonely. It's changed since the COVID-19. For a few months, I am so happy cause I think it is best to stay home without having interact with others, but after that my mind started to create misery. Where I began to overthink every little things and "they" will interfere with my daily life. How I wish the MCO could be lifted as soon as possible so that I can go out, meet my friends and have a drink with them. Things are getting worse when my university wants to continue our semester with Open and Distance Learning (ODL). At first, I thought I could accept to study online but it turns out I couldn't. FML. Everything goes wrong. I can't ...